Monthly Archives: January 2013

What’s a TC Camp?

TC Camp is an “unconference” focused on Technical Communications issues, skills, challenges, and the various applications used by technical communicators.

So, what’s an unconference? It’s an event where users suggest topics, get together and discuss them in detail. It’s even described in Wikipedia .. check it out.

The purpose of TC Camp is to provide a local bay area conference for technical communicators that is driven by the members of that community–writers, editors, designers, and the people who support them.

  • Date: Saturday, 26 January 2012
  • Time: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Venue: Silicon Valley Cloud Center, 222 Caspian Dr, Sunnyvale, CA
  • Cost: Workshops are $30, the rest of the day is FREE! (and if you use this code “SCOTTCAMPS”, the workshop is 50% off)

This looks to be a lot of fun and seems like a good opportunity to learn something new. Visit the website for details and registration ..