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About STC

checkicon  STC is the largest professional association serving the technical communication profession.

checkicon  STC has more than 25,000 members and 150 chapters, including student chapters, in eight regions worldwide.

checkicon  STC has high-caliber programs that keep both entry-level and veteran communicators aware of the latest trends and technology in technical communication.

checkicon  STC has innovative services for the educational and professional development of its members.

STC Web Site

The Society for Technical Communication

arrowicon provides general information about STC, including chapters, competitions, employment, membership, STC publications, and special interest groups (SIGs).

Who belongs to STC?

STC members represent all facets of technical communication:

  • Writers and editors
  • Graphic artists and technical illustrators
  • Translators
  • Managers and supervisors
  • Educators and students
  • Independent consultants and contractors
  • Photographers and multimedia specialists
  • Internet and intranet page designers
  • Instructional designers

How will STC help me grow as a professional communicator?

STC provides current information about technical communication and offers opportunities to network and expand your knowledge through the following:

checkicon  Chapter activities

At regularly scheduled meetings you can exchange ideas with your peers and participate in practical, job-related programs. Most chapters also publish monthly newsletters and sponsor competitions.

checkicon  Special Interest Groups

STC's SIGs are composed of people interested in technical communication specialties such as usability, indexing, information design, policies and procedures, lone writer, emerging technologies, and consulting & independent contractor.

checkicon  STC Annual Conference

STC's premier educational activity draws about 2,000 professional communicators from around the world. Attendees choose from a wide selection of educational programs, seminars, and workshops conducted by experts in their fields.

checkicon  Regional and local conferences

You are encouraged to participate in conferences, seminars, and workshops sponsored by local chapters that address the specific needs of communicators in your chapter or region.

checkicon  Employment information

Active employment committees for many STC chapters will help in your job search with referral services and resume banks. Advertisements for available positions appear in some STC publications as well as in most chapter newsletters. STC's bulletin board system includes a worldwide list of employment opportunities.

checkicon  Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded to full-time undergraduate and graduate students to encourage future technical communicators in their studies and promote growth in the profession.

checkicon  Research grants

STC offers scientific, literary, and educational grants to advance the theory and practice of the arts and sciences of technical communication.

What publications will I receive as an STC member?

checkicon  Technical Communication

STC's highly acclaimed quarterly journal publishes thought-provoking articles on subjects of interest to all technical communicators.

checkicon  Intercom

The Society newsletter, published ten times a year, keeps members up to date on the latest professional news and Society activities.

checkicon  Interchange

The quarterly newsletter (for students only) links student members in the world of professional technical communication and recognizes the achievements of our student members.

checkicon  Chapter newsletters

Most chapters publish monthly newsletters addressing the needs of communicators in their area.

checkicon  STC library of publications

Reference materials, manuals, anthologies, standards, and booklets help novice and experiences technical communicators develop and enhance their professional skills. Publications are available to members at special discounted rates.

What other services does STC provide its members?

checkicon  Electronic bulletin board

Through STC's computer system, you can access information on STC activities and meetings, nationwide job listings, abstracts of articles, and much more, 24 hours a day.

What are STC's annual dues?

checkicon  Membership structure

There are four membership categories (classic membership, limited membership, e-membership, and student membership). Go to the national STC web site,, and select General Info (under Membership > Join STC) for the benefits and cost of each category.

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STC NorthBay Chapter ARCHIVES (the chapter has closed)

Archives hosted by the North Bay Communicators Network