If you've ever submitted a purchase request that was not approved, chances are it
lacked one or more of the vital components Management looks for when allocating
resources. In our February meeting, returning speaker Jack Molisani will present a
fun and practical session covering the components of a successful business case, how
to maximize your chances of approval, and more.
Want more training, better tools, a bigger raise? Don't miss this meeting!
Jack Molisani
Jack Molisani has been a project officer in the Space Division of the United States Air
Force, the manager of training and documentation of a multi-million dollar software
company, and currently is the founder and president of ProSpring, a staffing company that
specializes in placing staff and contract technical writers:
Jack also produces LavaCon: The Conference for Advanced Technical Communication
Professionals: www.LavaCon.org.
Note: Jack has offered a comp entrance to LavaCon 2007 as a door prize, so be sure
to bring a business card for the drawing!